Cowboy by Victory
She’s gotta love him ’cause he’s a cowboy,
long and lean, in wrangler jeans with
a Copenhagen ring in back.
Big black boots that step,
on the hardwood boards
of the floor
in a Fort Worth honky-tonk bar.
And she’s gotta love him ’cause he’s a cowboy.
His walk shows how he’d ride
With a steady, swaying, easy glide.
He controls the space around him
and the milling crown parts like cattle
allowing him through,
He leans up against the bar,
orders a Coors.
tips the waitress and says,
“Thank ya, M’am.”

Ooooh, DAMN!
There is something about a Cowboy!
The kind that could satisfy
her addiction to secondhand testosterone.
He could be her very own
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Marshall Dillon,
Lone Ranger, Rifleman,
Roy Rogers Rodeo Star!
She’s gotta love him ’cause he’s a cowboy.
And not some wanna-be, weekend, wussy,
Gotta-prove-himself cowboy.
A real one -
strong and true.
From the brim of his hat
Down to the heel of his boots.
He’s quiet, easy-going, self-assured,
And y’all -
You know he’s got that drawl.

Willie Nelson sang it for her,
“My heros have always been cowboys.”
Yes, her heroes have always been cowboys.
I’m talking ’bout the good guys
in the white hats, of course.
Nevermind the bad-blooded desperados
and outlaws that hangin’ is too good fer.
The buzzards can have them,
And the devil can take what’s left.
She’ll hold out for a hero,
An unassuming King of the Wild Wild West.

The girl can’t help it.
She was that way from the start.
Natural cowgirl at heart.
Lariat at the ready by her side,
riding across painted deserts in hot pursuit
of maverick dreams that got lost,
dreams she won’t let go.
Cowgirls don’t know when to quit.
They don’t quit when they are ahead,
when they’re behind
no matter how many times
another gunslinging heartbreaker
tries to bring her down.
She’ll ride on.
Don’t get me wrong -
sometimes she does look broken.
Don’t get me wrong -
sometimes she does fall from the saddle.
Don’t get me wrong -
sometimes even a cowgirl cries,
but there ain’t no shame in fallin’ -
only if you stay in the dirt.

So maybe you’ll see her one night
sitting just to the right of the boot-scooters,
holding herself together with
sad songs about tears in beers and somebody did somebody wrong,
then “Luckenbach, Texas” comes on,
(that’s her favorite song).
Just watch her as her eyes start to dance,
two steppin’ across the floor
toward that tall Texan by the door
who just might be the genuine thing.
Maybe SHE is just what HE needs -
A Cowgirl
with veins that flow fast and full
of blood, love and picante sauce.
Hotter than an August prairie fire,
she is as glorious and dependable
as the western sunset,
knows who she is.

Before she even blessed this world with her presence,
Word got out in Heaven what to make of her.
Upon her birth
Angels in Stetsons circled
and floated around her bed and
did proclaim that
she would always love cowboys,
and she will